Wardrobe Planning & Assessment

Price is for a full day booking of 7 hrs.

NB: Full day required for standard-sized wardrobes (one rail, and shelves of either Autumn / Winter or Spring / Summer clothing, or combination of both if this does not exceed the standard size).


For Men & Women

How we think of ourselves and the way we want others to think of us is reflected in the way we act and dress.  Clothing impacts our relationships, influences our acceptance by others, and is a source of enjoyment.  It also places a continual demand on our resources.  In view of these implications an effort to plan your wardrobe is extremely worthwhile.

A common problem is having a wardrobe full of clothes but ‘nothing to wear’.  Often clothing is accumulated without a plan which is why we have too much.  Another cause is having too many items which only have one type of use (casual/active, work, or evening).  During Wardrobe Planning & Assessment I’ll show you how staple pieces can be worn for different occasions.   I’ll also put together combinations you may not have known existed, to make full use of what you have.  You'll let me know if it's your entire wardrobe, or an area you wish to focus on.


Make the most of the clothes you already have

  • I'll put together looks using a fresh interpretation of your existing wardrobe.  Discover new outfits without having to purchase more clothing.

 Shop more efficiently

  • A Wardrobe Consultation which takes place prior to the Personal Styling Shopping Trip ensures we only buy what you really need, saving you time and money.  Having assessed your wardrobe, I’ll also have a better idea of your personal image (sense of style) which will inform my selection process..

Maximise your wardrobe 

  • I’ll assess your wardrobe for staple pieces, and note any additions needed to create new looks with what you already have.  Wardrobe staples can be mixed and matched ensuring you get the maximum amount of looks from your individual items.

 Define and expand your existing style

  • Assessing your wardrobe gives me an understanding of your preferred styles and allows me to suggest further styles you might like, and ways to refine your existing style.

Obtain a record of your favourite looks

  • After you’ve tried on your new outfits I’ll take photos of them.  I’ll show you how they look from different angles so you know what works well, and what to look for on future shopping trips.

Clear out any ill-fitting or unwanted clothes

  • For sale or donation, throwing away anything damaged.

Obtain a wider selection of polished outfits

  • As a result of my styling efforts on the day, and knowing what final touches need to be purchased. 


Experience calm and a stress free start to the day

  • You’ll save time in the morning knowing you already have a selection of looks to choose from.

Feel satisfied you’re getting more from your wardrobe -

  • And happy your garments now have a new use.

Feel empowered by your styling tips  

  • I’ll impart these to you, to use when shopping on your own.  Including what colours work well on you, and the most flattering garment styles for your body shape.  For more in-depth advice, please see my Personal Colour Analysis and Body Analysis services. 

Have fun discovering new outfits

  • And enjoy the experience of having me come to assist as your stylist, rather than face the daunting task alone.

 Save money

  • After realising your wardrobe potential, like most people it's likely you'll no longer feel the need to purchase as many new clothes.

NB: a wardrobe consultation can be done before, as well as after a Personal Styling Shopping Trip, during which I will assist you to style purchases with existing wardrobe, and create a digital record of your new looks.

Please refer to the General Terms + Conditions this booking is subject to.

For further information please see Personal Styling - Introduction, and for bookings please use the contact form.  Please note the reimbursement of travel expenses are required if outside London.